What and how many serial numbers are affected by the Nikon Z8 cameras service advisory/recall?


[NR] admin


Last week Nikon issued a Z8 service advisory/recall describing an issue where the lens cannot be locked to the camera. A reader sent me this email regarding what and how many serial numbers could be affected:

“Had some time on my hands, and did a little anorak-ing on the Z8 recall serials until I got bored typing in numbers! I think it might be a single assembly line that had the problem. The serials aren’t sequential, most European models 6000973 to 6005225 show as affected – but there are random both higher and lower that aren’t – and vice versa.”

@nankadaione in Japan also examined the impacted serial numbers and determined that 6630 units were affected by the recall (2002516~2009146):



2002516~2009146 累計6630台と思われます


— ハチロクさん (@nankadaione) June 26, 2023

If you have any other observations, please list them in the comments section.

I suspect the first Z8 recall will trigger a new wave of pre-orders since many readers were holding off their purchases to see if there will be any issues with the new camera:

The post What and how many serial numbers are affected by the Nikon Z8 cameras service advisory/recall? appeared first on Nikon Rumors.

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  1. Nikon Z8 service advisory/recall: lens cannot be locked to camera
  2. The first Nikon Z9 camera recall? (lens release button failure)
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