New Leitz HUGO cine prime lenses announced


LR admin



Seven new Leitz HUGO cine prime lenses were announced yesterday and are already available for pre-order:

“Do you wish the classic Leica M lenses, with their iconic look, were better suited for large format cinematography? Well, Leitz has some great news for you. The new Leitz HUGO lenses use the same Leica M optics that have made the Leitz M 0.8 series so popular, but feature the same housing style and build quality that have helped make the Leitz’s cinematography lenses a reliable choice in the demanding cine production field. Lightweight, with close-focusing capability, these new HUGO lenses are a wonder, blending the classic Leica M look with modern cine design for a lens that is up to the demands of today’s fast-paced productions, while creating beautiful images.” (source)


The technical specifications and additional information can be found here.

The post New Leitz HUGO cine prime lenses announced appeared first on Leica Rumors.

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