The rumored Nikon “retro-inspired” mirrorless camera should be coming next


[NR] admin


The previously rumored Nikon “retro-inspired” mirrorless camera is still coming and could be announced at the end of June (I do not have an exact date yet). Here is what to expect:

  • APS-C mirrorless camera
  • Very thin camera body without a handgrip
  • Nikon Df-inspired mirrorless camera with mechanical dials and articulating screen

If you have any additional information, you can contact me anonymously here.

The post The rumored Nikon “retro-inspired” mirrorless camera should be coming next appeared first on Nikon Rumors.

Related posts:

  1. Very interesting: the next Nikon mirrorless could be “retro-inspired” and “Df like” camera
  2. What’s coming next: an updated list of expected/rumored Nikon Z mirrorless cameras and lenses
  3. Nikon Z5 mirrorless camera rumored specifications


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