Nikon laid off 700 workers in Thailand and Laos


[NR] admin


Nikkei reports that Nikon has laid off 700 workers due to the declining camera business - 500 in Thailand and 200 in Laos. Nikon said: "We are going to aim for the best system to our production", meaning they may reduce their stuff again (thanks for the translation Nakayamahanzaemon):

Nikon Corporation announced on the 28th that it has reduced the total number of employees by 700 at its Southeast Asian factory as part of a structural reform of its imaging business centered on digital cameras. Staged from autumn 2019 to the end of March due to early retirement. The number of people is 500 in Thailand and 200 in Laos, which is about 10% of the employees at each site. (Google translation)

Via Nikkei

The post Nikon laid off 700 workers in Thailand and Laos appeared first on Nikon Rumors.

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