Recent content by Lemon1510

  1. L

    Any thoughts on the Sigma FF foveon?

    I bet that the new sensor has no more than 44MP array (maybe an a 24MP) and the improvements from a 7 year development would give us at least 1 or two stop improvement in the sensitivity. Remember that they've got a lot of trouble in the signal processing (slow processor, not so good coding and...
  2. L

    Leica T, TL, TL2, CL. L mount firmware update? Third party lenses?

    Hey guys, the old leica T typ 701 can be bought really cheap. As we all know, use an AF lens with that camera is really expensive but with the new L mount alliance I suppose we'll get a firmware update or already compatible Sigma APS C lenses. Would like to start the topic on it.